Professional NRA & USCCA Certified Firearms Trainers - Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Personal Protection, Reloading
If you are an NRA or USCCA Certified Instructor or would like to become one, we offer both instructor training and opportunities for you to teach while we handle most of the paperwork and we make sure you get paid for your instructional services.
Become a NAFT Instructor. Download the application and either mail it to us, or scan it and e-mail it to us.

NRA Instructor Training Opportunities
NAFT will be offering NRA Pistol, Rifle, and Shotgun Instructor Certification Courses in 2024
The NRA requires a minimum of four Instructor Candidates to conduct a course. If you are interested in becoming an NRA Instructor please sign up on line or contact NAFT at 256-886-7020 or [email protected].
In order to become an NRA Certified Instructor in any discipline and CSRO, the NRA requires you to complete their Basic Instructor Training (BIT) course within 24 months of taking the discipline-specific instructor course. Once completed, BIT remains valid for 24 months and you can add other instructor certifications without taking BIT again.
For all Instructor Certifications, the NRA now requires that you complete the Basic student course as a prerequisite for the instructor course. Prior to the instructor course you must also pass a pre-course qualification that demonstrates your proficiency with the fundamentals of safe gun handling and basic marksmanship skills. You’ll then need to complete the Pistol Instructor Certification course.
For more detailed description on the process to become an NRA Instructor open this file: