Professional NRA & USCCA Certified Firearms Trainers - Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Personal Protection, Reloading
Online Registration (Please complete both steps.) 
 Prefer to register by mail?  Go here:  
Course Selection:
Course Date:  
Your Name:  
Your Street Address:
City,  State,  Zip Code:
Phone Number:
E-mail Address:  
Level of Firearms Experience:
Reason for Taking the Class:
Birth date:                                                     MM/DD/YYYY
Are you a member of the NRA?
If yes, please provide NRA Member number:
Step One:  Click the button at right to submit your registration form:
Step Two:  Choose your method of paying the course deposit fee..  
Your selection will take you to a page where you may complete the transaction.
​By submitting this registration you are certify that you are a US citizen or legal US resident, and that you are not a convicted felon nor a person prohibited from possessing a firearm.
BeginnerSome ExperienceIntermediateAdvanced